In this episode, I have got some knitting, some spinning, a little bit of sewing and I am all spun up about one of my favorite online shops.
- All has been quiet here on the homestead
- oh, I do have a little story about an accidental alpaca
Spinning my Wheels
- The hats. Hat 1 is with the tech editor and I cast on and have knit about 2 inches in Hat 2. Cast the first version on in MadTosh Farm Twist.
- Still chugging away on the sock blank scarf. It’s my travel project and go-to take-along project.
- I located the baby yarn I need for the obligatory sweater. It should be done by the time I record next.
- Finished the plying on the from Abstract Fiber in the color way Cosmopolitan. Still need to improve my spinning on the Daedalus Sparrow. It’s a bit over spun in spots.
- Probably going to spin a new acquisition for my next project. I just got a beautiful braid and beautiful batt from Fossil Fiber.
- I mended those pockets on my pants that were plaguing me. It’s a lot to tell you so I plan to do a blog post about the experience.
Put my Spin on it
- I have got some praise for the Woolery. They have been a saving grace for my spinning wheel collection.
Spin Off
The rest of my October is going to be really busy so I will have lots of adventures to share. One of which is prepping for a secret week-long trip. I am excited but you will have to wait until next time to hear about it.
- Song: Can’t Help Falling in Love by Performed by Haley Reinhart.

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