In this episode, I have some spinning, a little bit of knitting, and a little tale for you about why it depends. A a special treat, I have a brief interview with Maggie Casey.
I have an alpaca update and share my experience at the Estes Park Wool Market.
All Spun Up
I am all spun up about the class I was able to take with Maggie Casey. The value of learning from someone so experienced has really motivated me and inspired me to take my spinning to the next level. This is where I explain why “it depends.”
Spinning my wheels
- Spinning is where I have spent most of my time this passed two weeks.
- Finished my Jeck Socks.
- I have four finished legs on the socks I have been working on: a pair of Hermione’s Everyday socks for me and yet another pair of Jeck socks for the boy.
- I didn’t get any farther than casting on the Eco Vest.
- I am contemplating casting on a free sweater pattern from Isabel Kraemer called on the beach. I am intrigued by knit-in saddle shoulders.
Spin a Tale
- This edition features my interview with Maggie Casey.
Maggie is co-owner of the shop Shuttles, Spindles and Skeins in Boulder, CO. She is the author of START SPINNING – EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW TO MAKE GREAT YARN. A spinner since 1973 she holds the Handweavers Guild of America Certificate of Excellence in Handspinning. Look for her workshops at Estes Park, Maryland Sheep and Wool and Yarn Fest.
- So sorry for the background noise of the doors at the wool market.
Spin Off
- Special thanks to all those who tuned in. Thank you to all those who hopped over to iTunes and left a review. I greatly appreciate it.
- Closing song: remake of Clocks by Coldplay from the bluegrass tribute, Pickin’ on Coldplay.